The international conference will be held as part of the East Doc Platform 2023. The entire programme is in English and admission is free. The programme starts at 11am and consists of presentations by venue managers, who organize cultural events and screenings in alternative social venues such as cafés, bars or galleries. The conference includes a panel discussion, where expert guests whose experience goes beyond organizing cultural events in alternative venues will share their know-how. The conference is divided into three parts: 11:00-11:30 Introductory session, 11:30-14:00 Think outside the traditional cinema format, 14:30-16:00 Empowering Communities through Documentary Film. This is the first of two planned conferences that will be based on insights from a forthcoming publication on establishing successful cultural events. This publication will launch during the second conference in March of 2024 dedicated to the topic Fostering Communities. It is created by KineDok managers, coordinators and other experts from all partner countries.
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