Audio: Czech | Subtitles: EN
KineDok and Creative Pragues invite you to queer stitches with atmospheric DJ accompaniment, a screening of a formally fresh documentary Humans and a silent disco with Zlá neděle and Daniel Bašta. The whole programme will take place as part of the event Zabydli džungli at the front of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (Pátkova 2137/5, Prague 8) and is FREE and ENGLISH FRIENDLY. Schedule of the evening: 18:00 – 20:00 queer stitches with Lenka Juchelková + DJs 20:15 screening of the documentary film Humans and discussion with Kateř Tureček and other guests 21:30 – 23:00 silent disco – DJs Zlá neděle a Daniel Bašta
By attending the event, visitors give permission to have their person photographed and audiovisually recorded for the promotional purposes of the KineDok project.
Trans and non-binary people on the way to understanding from the public and their close ones. An inventive documentary about finding one's own place in modern society, about trying to be accepted, and about how we should all view each other primarily as people.
The foreground of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
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