Klášter Broumov


The Broumov Monastery Educational and Cultural Centre is built on the solid foundations and strong roots of the tradition of St. Vojtěch and St. Benedict. From the Czech patron Vojtěch we take his European outlook, from Benedict his diligence and thirst for knowledge. We combine the sacredness of the monastery space with the profane tradition of education in the monastery, seeking together the limits of creativity and reflection. We are a tree that has a rich crown, composed of many branches and twigs, but firm roots in the ground. We continue the successful efforts of the Broumov Region Development Agency to revive the tradition of cultural and spiritual life in the Broumov region. When our plans are fulfilled, we will be a European centre, a developing centre of interdisciplinary education, a workshop of knowledge and a centre of culture not only for Broumov and its surroundings. "Quae sit sapietia, disce legenda"




Klášter Broumov

Klášterní 1
550 01 Broumov


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