First screening of KineDok Georgia!

Audio: Georgian | Subtitles: RO, CZ, EN, HR, HU


Don't miss our first screening in the back yard of Untitled Gallery

By attending the event, visitors give permission to have their person photographed and audiovisually recorded for the promotional purposes of the KineDok project.

Sun 10. 07.

20:30 | Untitled Gallery


Taming the Garden

Catalog 2022
Country: Georgia

We all have a hobby. The mysterious richest Georgian and former Prime Minister, for example, buys up majestic century-old trees and, at great expense, transports them from remote villages along the Georgian coast and plants them in his garden. How far is a society capable of going at the cost of money, and how far is an individual capable of going at the cost of a show of strength?


Untitled Gallery

იუნკერთა ქუჩა 1/12 0113 თბილისი


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