Watch the best films from our current selection online for free with follow-up discussions

Our online events are back! Each month, we will make one carefully selected film from our current selection available online for free! It will be also followed by international discussion with experts on the topic. In collaboration with all KineDok countries, you can look forward to 6 online events from October until March 2025, which you will be able to enjoy from the comfort of your home.



All films will be available here on our website in the FILMS ONLINE section on the dates listed below. You will need a voucher to view them for free, so please email for the voucher on the relevant dates.


Discussions (in English) will take place at the times below on our YouTube (@instituteofdocumentaryfilm7825) and on KineDok International's Facebook page. It will always be on Mondays at 7 PM (GMT+1).


It will all be free and available from any KineDok partner country (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia and Hungary). 

OCTOBER: THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MY DAD (Marta Kovářová, 2023, Czech Republic, Slovakia, 77 min)

Documentary available: October 10 – 15 Online discussion: October 14


Marta, a musician and daughter of Jiří, a materials physicist, has decided that his idea for a global reduction in carbon emissions will not remain confined to just domestic kitchen debates. The film exposes the complexity of the relationship between father and daughter, who, while searching for a way to fulfill an ecological dream, also seek a way to connect with each other. Frustration from helplessness and repeated failures is further compounded by Jiří's complicated nature and his impractical communication. However, the complications are transformed in the film into a kind of self-parody, and the songs Marta composes are similarly lightening the mood. It's a story of modern-day Quixotic endeavors and the complexity of advocating for an individual's idea through the machinery that seems to be the very milieu of environmental activism.

NOVEMBER: +-90 (Marek Kuboš, 2022, Slovakia, 90 min)

Documentary available: November 14 – 19 Online discussion: November 18


Every national cinema has creative generations that follow closely and influence each other. Whether as colleagues, as teachers and students, or as friends who share inspirations over drinks in the evenings. How do the last three generations of Slovak documentary filmmakers interact on these levels?

DECEMBER: ARSENIE. AN AMAZING AFTERLIFE (Alexandru Solomon, 2023, Romania, Luxembrough, 96 min)

Documentary available: December 5 – 10 Online discussion: December 9


A bus full of Romanian passengers from various social backgrounds embarks on a journey where they will all have to confront their own beliefs and diverging life experiences. A sociological documentary road movie, traveling in pursuit of the legacy of the priest Arsenie Boca.

JANUARY: SNAJKA: DIARY OF EXPECTATIONS (Tea Vidović Dalipi, 2023, Croatia, Italy, Kosovo, 75 min)

Documentary available: January 23 – 28 Online discussion: January 27


Tea Vidović Dalipi is the director and protagonist of a personally tuned documentary film that explores difficult questions of cultural differences, everyday racism, and overcoming one's own prejudices through the story of one married couple.

FEBRUARY: HONEYMOONS (Szomjas György, 1970, Hungary, 37 min)

Documentary available: February 13 – 18 Online discussion: February 17


Young women from socialist Hungary seek their happiness and a chance to connect with foreign consumerism through relationships with Italian men. How does this idyll turn out?

MARCH: SMILING GEORGIA (Luka Beradze, 2023, Georgia, Germany, 62 min)

Documentary available: March 6 – 11 Online discussion: March 10


How absurd can political populism get? Georgia knows a thing or two about it. Promises made by political parties to their potential voter base may not only involve material gifts and unattainable pre-election statements. They can also concern your dental health.

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